Robots need to predict and react to human motions to navigate through a crowd without collisions. Many existing methods decouple prediction from planning, which does not account for the interaction between robot and human motions and can lead to the robot getting stuck. We propose SICNav, a Model Predictive Control (MPC) method that jointly solves for robot motion and predicted crowd motion in closed-loop. We model each human in the crowd to be following an Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA) scheme and embed that model as a constraint in the robot’s local planner, resulting in a bilevel nonlinear MPC optimization problem. We use a KKT-reformulation to cast the bilevel problem as a single level and use a nonlinear solver to optimize. Our MPC method can influence pedestrian motion while explicitly satisfying safety constraints in a single-robot multi-human environment. We analyze the performance of SICNav in two simulation environments and indoor experiments with a real robot to demonstrate safe robot motion that can influence the surrounding humans. We also validate the trajectory forecasting performance of ORCA on a human trajectory dataset.
Does Unpredictability Influence Driving Behavior?
Sepehr Samavi, Florian Shkurti , and Angela P. Schoellig
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , 2023
In this paper we investigate the effect of the unpredictability of surrounding cars on an ego-car performing a driving maneuver. We use Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning to model reward functions for an ego-car conducting a lane change in a highway setting. We define a new feature based on the unpredictability of surrounding cars and use it in the reward function. We learn two reward functions from human data: a baseline and one that incorporates our defined unpredictability feature, then compare their performance with a quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Our evaluation demonstrates that incorporating the unpredictability feature leads to a better fit of human-generated test data. These results encourage further investigation of the effect of unpredictability on driving behavior.
Zeus: A system description of the two-time winner of the collegiate SAE AutoDrive competition
Keenan Burnett , Jingxing Qian , Xintong Du , and 14 more authors